Wardrobe Edits

Would you like an organised, uncluttered wardrobe with items that are perfect for your lifestyle and that make you look and feel INCREDIBLE?

Are you ready to feel the AMAZING mental and physical benefits of a Wardrobe edit?

Please get in touch to discuss to discuss

  • Do you have a wardrobe full of clothes but can never find anything to wear?

  • Do you find getting dressed or choosing what to wear, stressful?

  • Perhaps you have lost or gained weight, or changed shape and nothing quite fits?

Sounds like you need a wardrobe revamp!


Imagine opening your wardrobe and feeling excited to get dressed, everyday!

Having an organised, uncluttered wardrobe with staples that suit your lifestyle, bodyshape, personality and that make your skin glow, makes choosing what to wear and feeling great, easy

I will teach you tips and tricks to make the most of what you already have and give you advice on buying items that will make your wardrobe work harder for you

A wardrobe edit is such a cathartic exercise, prepare to feel cleansed, happy and enjoy choosing what to wear again


Organised and decluttered wardrobe

It WORKS! Wardrobe Edit - from £360

This is such a valuable session that I recommend to all new clients as they start their Style Journey with me. I’ll declutter and re-organise your wardrobe whilst teaching you what goes with what and what shapes do and do not work for your bodyshape. You’ll be left with an organised wardrobe (of dreams!) leaving only clothes that you love and feel confident in.

Getting dressed will simply become a joy as you know you have a choice of outfits that work for your lifestyle, fit perfectly and flatter your unique skin-tone and enhance your bodyshape

I’ll take photos of you in some of your favourite outfits so you will never struggle to pick what to wear again.

Included in the price is a pre-edit Mini Colour and Bodyshape Analysis

Plus a follow up report with a shopping list to help you fill in any gaps in your wardrobe

During this session, we declutter one full wardrobe such as your Autumn/Winter items or Spring/Summer clothing

Wardrobe RESTYLE from £240

Does your wardrobe reflect your personality or lifestyle? Choose this speedy focused session in your home to declutter, reorganise and rejuvenate a section of your wardrobe such as: weekend/holiday/leisure or office wear.

Rail of brightly coloured clothes from a personal styling wardrobe edit in Surrey


It’s given me some much needed confidence back. I keep the little book of fabric swatches with me. I’ve always loved colour and knowing I should embrace it has brought me so much joy. Thank you!!